Monday, August 31, 2020

Greetings and Goodbyes

Buenas!!!! This is the week that we have our first quiz in Spanish on our Alphabet so don't forget to practice the sounds using the videos from previous lessons.  Videos are on the Digital Sessions in CTLS and can also be found here in the blogs.

Greetings and Goodbyes Can Do Statements: 
- I can understand greetings and good-byes
- I can greet others and say goodbye
- I can imitate appropriate greetings

Essential Questions: 
How do I greet someone in Spanish? 
How do I respond when someone greets me in Spanish?

Take a look at the different ways we say hello and goodbye in Spanish. Take note of the use of formal and informal.  It is a matter of R.E.S.P.E.C.T!!!!

We are also set to begin using VHL Central so make sure you use the link provided and look over pages 2-3 at the different types of conversations.  Look forward to the calendar on VHL Central to guide you when assignments are due.

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