Tuesday, August 18, 2020

Why learn another language? work session

In case you have trouble logging on to CTLS I have your assignment here in the Blog.

1. Watch the video using the link below. 

Follow-up Activity
Now be prepared to share three reasons why learning a language is important.

2. Click the link to the website.

Follow-up Activity
Choose one of the four follow-up activities to do.  Have it ready to share in class Thursday.
You may use copy paper, notebook paper, construction paper to create your board. It is not necessary to use Poster Board. Please use what you have available. Have fun creating.

1. Use the site below or other resources to display infographics or other visuals resources depicting the importance of learning a language.  
2. Create a hashtag – students independently research reasons to learn a foreign language, develop a top ten list and create a hashtag for each item on the list – i.e. 1. Learning a foreign language grows your brain and boosts your cognitive function #brainpower
3.  Create a poster or infographic demonstrating the importance of learning a second language or careers that involve second language skills. 
4. Determine the reasons you think learning Spanish is important and then they will set personal goals and learning objectives for the year. Create an infographic to display your goals. 

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