Monday, August 31, 2020

Greetings and Goodbyes

Buenas!!!! This is the week that we have our first quiz in Spanish on our Alphabet so don't forget to practice the sounds using the videos from previous lessons.  Videos are on the Digital Sessions in CTLS and can also be found here in the blogs.

Greetings and Goodbyes Can Do Statements: 
- I can understand greetings and good-byes
- I can greet others and say goodbye
- I can imitate appropriate greetings

Essential Questions: 
How do I greet someone in Spanish? 
How do I respond when someone greets me in Spanish?

Take a look at the different ways we say hello and goodbye in Spanish. Take note of the use of formal and informal.  It is a matter of R.E.S.P.E.C.T!!!!

We are also set to begin using VHL Central so make sure you use the link provided and look over pages 2-3 at the different types of conversations.  Look forward to the calendar on VHL Central to guide you when assignments are due.

Tuesday, August 25, 2020

Buenos dias.

Okay the technology has failed us again, but if anybody knows Sra. Reed, they know I AM GOING to find another way!!!!

Here is the assignment we will be working on today.  Don't worry, when I see you Thursday I will get us ALL on the same page!

Essential Question:
What is the difference between an online Spanish dictionary and a translator?
Is it cheating to use a translator?
What are some online resources I can use to help me when my teacher is unavailable?

As you begin to learn a second language, you will need to use different tools to help you express
yourself in the way you want. The teacher, classroom activities, notes and textbooks are all valuable resources that will help you to learn the language. Sometimes you might find yourself needing help to complete an assignment or to understand new information when the teacher is not available. Translators are not always effective at helping you. Translating is a very complicated skill that computer programs have not yet mastered, therefore they make frequent mistakes. They can be a starting point, but the translations need to be closely reviewed. Today we are going to do an activity that shows you the difference in finding a word in an online dictionary and using google translate.

Work Session:
Use an online dictionary such as to find the correct Spanish translation for the underlined word in each sentence. Then, type each individual word into Google Translate. Make note of the differences you find. 

1. I turned on the light.

2. The box was very light.
3. My dog loves to run.
4. I run my parent’s business.
5. Don’t break the plate.
6. I haven’t had a break in hours.
7. The principal made an announcement to the staff.
8. The wizard broke his staff.
9. Squirrels bury nuts for the winter.
10. My teacher is nuts.

Next we going to recite the alphabet A-Z and count from 0-20 here are two videos to help you with the Spanish alphabet and Spanish numbers.

Here are the letters with phonetic pronunciations to help you study.

A   B  C  Ch  D              E   F   G   H   I 
Ah         beh        seh        cheh      deh                                         eh    ef-feh        heh      ah-cheh      ee  

J    K    L    Ll    M              N   Ñ  O  P  Q
ho-tah       kah         el-leh       eh-yeh       eh-meh                                          En-neh      en-yeh       oh      peh         coo   

             R     rr      S     T     U 
                                  eh-reh        eh-rrreh               es-seh           teh                  oo       

V       W         X             Y         Z
    beh             do-bleh-beh                  eh-kees                          e-gree-ay-gah            seh-tah
    00-beh        do-bleh oo                                                                     yeh
                           do bleh beh


TILDE are the accent marks Ñ 

“Rolling of the tongue” is called TRILL

The letter H in Spanish is silent.

The letter Z in Spanish sounds like S.

The letters X and J sound like H in English.

When we spell words and the letters are not clear we use 

the following for clarity:

b as in bebé 

v as in vaca

d as in dedo

Tuesday, August 18, 2020

Steps to creating your VHL Central account

Log on to I have a link for you below
Create user name: your first and last name merged together (one word lower case)
Email: your school email
Password: descubre1 (one word lower case)
Personal Profile: name, last name, birth year
Security Information: What city were you born in?
ANSWER WILL BE:   cobb (one word lower case)

Email preferences: optional and click continue
On the next page make sure you spell out your school name: South Cobb High School, Austell, Georgia (Select it and add it) If you fail this step you cannot move forward.
NOTE: Your book is Descubre 1 (2017 edition) and select your correct class block.

Why learn another language? work session

In case you have trouble logging on to CTLS I have your assignment here in the Blog.

1. Watch the video using the link below.

Follow-up Activity
Now be prepared to share three reasons why learning a language is important.

2. Click the link to the website.

Follow-up Activity
Choose one of the four follow-up activities to do.  Have it ready to share in class Thursday.
You may use copy paper, notebook paper, construction paper to create your board. It is not necessary to use Poster Board. Please use what you have available. Have fun creating.

1. Use the site below or other resources to display infographics or other visuals resources depicting the importance of learning a language.  
2. Create a hashtag – students independently research reasons to learn a foreign language, develop a top ten list and create a hashtag for each item on the list – i.e. 1. Learning a foreign language grows your brain and boosts your cognitive function #brainpower
3.  Create a poster or infographic demonstrating the importance of learning a second language or careers that involve second language skills. 
4. Determine the reasons you think learning Spanish is important and then they will set personal goals and learning objectives for the year. Create an infographic to display your goals. 

Trouble Joining a Class

Hello everyone,

Yesterday was the first day of virtual classes and there were district-wide technical errors that permitted some of you from logging into CTLS or Zoom.

If we have to go to Zoom I will forward the link for each class session.

Please do not attempt to use a link from another class period to join because it will not function.

I will update the codes as needed should we have to jump on Zoom for any errors on CTLS.

NOTE: Always check CTLS and use the link on the Class Board to do the Attendance Check In and please note the CLAVE word changes every day.

Family Information Guide (FIG)

The annual Family Information Guide (FIG) must be made available to parents on the first day of school.  The guide satisfies several requirements:

·       Parent notification of their rights under federal law (FERPA, PPRA, and Rights under Section 504).
·       Parent notification of compulsory attendance law (whether online or face-to-face, students are still required to attend school).
·       Provides each student/parent a copy of the Student Code of Conduct.
·       Parent notification of the Internet Acceptable Use policy which has enhanced meaning since we are opening school virtually.

The FIG is available on the district website at Information Guide (FIG).  A Spanish translation can also be found there.

Form JCDA-3 can be found at Information Guide (FIG).  This document is usually signed and returned to the school. 

If the parent chooses to “opt out” of student clubs and organizations, they should send an email to or .

Thursday, August 6, 2020

South Cobb High School


Name: Sra. Edha Hemmings-Reed

Department: World Languages 

Fall Schedule:
1st Block- Spanish I
2nd Block- Planning
3rd Bock -  Spanish I
4th Block -  Spanish I

Contact Information:
email and phone number
(678) 827-2519

CTLS Student Portal Link: