Monday, October 5, 2020

Notes on the verb Ser and What time is it?/Qué hora es?

The Present Tense of Ser

In order to understand the verb ser=to be in English, we first must understand some basic parts of speech. Here are some terms I will be using to get you to understand this grammar lesson.

-conjugate      -conjugation       -conjugates

-infinitive      -subject/personal pronoun

This will help you to make connections of the English way to use verbs to the Spanish way to use verbs. This lesson is color-coded so when you take notes and/or study, the different parts will stand out and you can see the English and Spanish.

Blue = Subject Pronouns 

Red= verb

to be   verb

singular                                        plural

am                                                we  are

you  are

he/she is                                       they  are

Subject Pronouns

                             ser = to be  verb

singular                                       plural

yo  soy                                nostros/as  somos

tú   eres                                *vosotros/as   (we do not use this one)

él/ella/usted   es              ellos/ellas/ustedes  son


*Vosotros/as is commonly used in Spain, church, and few parts of Colombia.


Ustedes is used when:

1. speakiníg to a group of elders (formal plural)

2. persons in authority (formal plural)

3. (loosely means “y’all”) when you are speaking directly to a group of your peers. (informal)


Proper Nouns in Spanish

Margarita                       Estefán

María                               Alexandro(a)

Estefanía                        Xavier

Paula                                Magaly

Elena                                Jorge

Pablo                                Dolores

Juan                                 Pedro

Guillermo                      Mercedes

Enrique                           Milagros    

Katrina                           Alma  

Esperanza                      Daniel

Carlos                             Santiago  

¿Qué hora es?

In Spanish, you tell time by saying, “Son las…”  for the hours of 2-12.



In Spanish, you tell time by saying, “Es la…” for the hour of 1. NOTE: Es la is used from 12:31- 1:30

¿Qué hora es?

1:08 Es la una y ocho.

1:20 Es la una y veinte.


When telling time in Spanish, you say the minutes as is, from 1-14, and as is from 16-29.

¿Qué hora es?

2:03 Son las dos y tres.

3:11 Son las tres y once.

4:24 Son las cuatro y veinticuatro.

19:13 Son las siete y trece.  (hint:19-12=7)


In Spanish we say the hour and then we say

y cuarto” for :15


¿Qué hora es?

2:15 Son las dos y cuarto.

¿Qué hora es?

1:15 Es la una y cuarto.


When telling time in Spanish, you say “y media” for :30 minutes into the hour. Media means half.

¿Qué hora es?

7:30 Son las siete y media.

1:30 Es la una y media.   

When telling time in Spanish, you say “menos cuarto” for :45 minutes into the hour. Or :15 minutes to the next hour.

¿Qué hora es?

2:45 Son las TRES menos cuarto.

1:45 Son las DOS menos cuarto.

12:45 Es la una menos cuarto.  





When telling time in Spanish, you say “menos” for :31 -:59 minutes to the next hour. Subtract from :60.

¿Qué hora es?

8:31 Son las nueve menos veintinueve.

5:55 Son las seis menos cinco.




Notes on special times:


En punto. (sharp) 

…de la mañana. (a.m.)   

…de la tarde. (p.m.)    

…de la noche. (p.m.)    

Es el mediodía. It’s noon.    


Es la medianoche. It’s midnight.

¿A qué hora es…? At what time is…?    

A las….


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