Wednesday, September 16, 2020

Example of Cognate Project


What is a cognate? Cognates are words that have similar pronunciation and spelling in two different languages. Both words often have the same meaning. You are going to do a project using each letter in your first and last name as a separate cognate. Below I have and example of how this can be done using 

A little Cognate Activity for you. 

Without the use of a dictionary copy the Spanish and write the English words.

Armadillo                       Nostalgia

Tomate                          Cheque

Tornado                         Cilindro

Botella                            Diamante

Familia                           Pácifico

Centro                            Número

Magia                             Aventura

Gorila                             Cañón

Exclusivo                        Chocolate

Barbacoa                        Básico

PROJECT DEADLINE is SEPTEMBER 22, 2020 by 11:59 P.M. NO EXCUSES!!!!!!!!

  • First thing you must do is is find a cognate for each letter of your name using a search engine such as Google. 
  • For each letter of your name, you will type the Spanish Cognate and then provide a picture of that cognate for your poster.
  • Your project/cognates must be in a theme. Themes are personal, you may choose from a variety of themes depending the availability of cognates. Notice my theme has to do with magic. Sometimes one theme works better than others. It's your choice. 
  • NOTE that the words you choose MUST be real cognates and they cannot be proper nouns. Names are not cognates.
  • After you find your cognates and pictures, use your student email to log into to create your masterpiece.  
  • If you feel you need a little tutorial on how to use Spark Adobe click on this short video.

As you can see, this is the example I am sharing with you, it is the same one I shared in class. Only difference is that I made this one a PNG and not a video. There are so many wonderful things you can do with this medium, you get carried away!

Here is Maria and for each letter I produced a cognate and a picture. HAVE FUN!!!!!!

PROJECT DEADLINE is SEPTEMBER 22, 2020 by 11:59 P.M. NO EXCUSES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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