Monday, September 21, 2020

Subject Pronouns and the Present Tense of Ser=To Be

The Present Tense of Ser

In order to understand the verb ser=to be in English, we first must understand some basic parts of speech. Here are some terms I will be using to get you to understand this grammar lesson.

-conjugate      -conjugation       -conjugates

-infinitive      -subject/personal pronoun

This will help you to make connections of the English way to use verbs to the Spanish way to use verbs. This lesson is color-coded so when you take notes and/or study, the different parts will stand out and you can see the English and Spanish.

Blue = Subject Pronouns 

Red= verb

to be   verb

singular                                        plural

am                                                we  are

you  are

he/she is                                       they  are

Subject Pronouns

                             ser = to be  verb

singular                                       plural

yo  soy                                nostros/as  somos

tú   eres                               *vosotros/as   (we do not use this one)

él/ella/usted   es              ellos/ellas/ustedes  son


*Vosotros/as is commonly used in Spain, church, and few parts of Colombia.


Ustedes is used when:

1. speaking to a group of elders (formal plural)

2. persons in authority (formal plural)

3. (loosely means “y’all”) when you are speaking directly to a group of your peers. (informal)

Practice using the hyperlink below on the website Do activities A, B, and C only then click submit to see your Practice Score. 

For homework due Monday, September 21. 2020 click on the link below

If you need extra help click on the video below.

Some Proper Nouns in Spanish

You may see these in your book or when doing assignments in Spanish. Names are going to be male of female. Replace males names with él. Replace females names with ella.

Margarita                       Estefán

            María                               Alexandro(a)

Estefanía                        Xavier

Paula                                Magaly

Elena                                Jorge

Pablo(a)                        Dolores

Juan                                Pedro

Guillermo                      Mercedes

Enrique                           Milagros    

Katrina                          Alma  

Esperanza                      Daniel(a) 

Carlos                             Santiago  

Wednesday, September 16, 2020

Example of Cognate Project


What is a cognate? Cognates are words that have similar pronunciation and spelling in two different languages. Both words often have the same meaning. You are going to do a project using each letter in your first and last name as a separate cognate. Below I have and example of how this can be done using 

A little Cognate Activity for you. 

Without the use of a dictionary copy the Spanish and write the English words.

Armadillo                       Nostalgia

Tomate                          Cheque

Tornado                         Cilindro

Botella                            Diamante

Familia                           Pácifico

Centro                            Número

Magia                             Aventura

Gorila                             Cañón

Exclusivo                        Chocolate

Barbacoa                        Básico

PROJECT DEADLINE is SEPTEMBER 22, 2020 by 11:59 P.M. NO EXCUSES!!!!!!!!

  • First thing you must do is is find a cognate for each letter of your name using a search engine such as Google. 
  • For each letter of your name, you will type the Spanish Cognate and then provide a picture of that cognate for your poster.
  • Your project/cognates must be in a theme. Themes are personal, you may choose from a variety of themes depending the availability of cognates. Notice my theme has to do with magic. Sometimes one theme works better than others. It's your choice. 
  • NOTE that the words you choose MUST be real cognates and they cannot be proper nouns. Names are not cognates.
  • After you find your cognates and pictures, use your student email to log into to create your masterpiece.  
  • If you feel you need a little tutorial on how to use Spark Adobe click on this short video.

As you can see, this is the example I am sharing with you, it is the same one I shared in class. Only difference is that I made this one a PNG and not a video. There are so many wonderful things you can do with this medium, you get carried away!

Here is Maria and for each letter I produced a cognate and a picture. HAVE FUN!!!!!!

PROJECT DEADLINE is SEPTEMBER 22, 2020 by 11:59 P.M. NO EXCUSES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, September 15, 2020

VHL Central Assignments and Quiz Information

ALWAYS check your VHL Central calendar to see if you have any assignments due. 

Make sure you do your VHL Central activities.  The deadline for these activities is 11:59 p.m. Friday September 18, 2020. 

Study the notes you copied into your notebook to study for your quiz see previous blog for notes and practice activities. 

Your quiz will be on the following:

Definite Articles

Indefinite Articles

Gender of Nouns

Making Nouns Plural

Quiz is Friday September 18, 2020.

Complete Notes on Definite and Indefinite Articles


Nouns that end with the letters L.O.N.E.R.S. are usually male nouns.

Nouns that end with the letters D.IÓN.Z.A are usually female nouns.


Definite Articles= the












1.        ____ maestro  4. ___ apartamento

2.        ____ escuela     5. ___ restaurante

3.        ____ abanico    6. ___ música


Indefinite Articles= a, an, some











A. Write the noun’s gender in the blank.

1.____hospital       2. ___ patio

­­­3.____sur                  4.____ garaje

5.___problema       6.___verdad

7.___ día                   8.___ confusión

9.___ nombre          10.___ dilema

11. ___ mano           12.___sol

👀 Take NOTE: the following nouns end with the l.o.n.e.r.s. but are feminine.

clase, tarde, noche, mano

Making Nouns Plural

·    If your noun ends in a vowel add -s


·    If your noun ends in a consonant add -es

·    How do I make piz plural in Spanish?

Drop the z

Replace with c

And add -es lapices



B. Fill in the blank with the correct article and then make the article and noun plural.

d.a. = definite article

 i.a.= indefinite article

1.d.a. hospital        2. i.a. patio

­­­3. d.a. visita            4. i.a. garaje

5. i.a. problema     6. d.a. verdad

7. i.a. día                  8. i.a. produción

9. d.a. nombre        10. d.a. dilema

11. d.a. mano          12. i.a. bronceador

Tuesday, September 8, 2020

Nouns and Articles Notes and Videos

We had a little fun with this today. We are having a little Gender Reveal in Spanish class when we discuss Nouns and Articles. To help us a bit we watched a YouTube video and took notes.  

Remember the following: Nouns in Spanish have gender. (they are either "boy words" or "girl words") 

Nouns that end in the letters:
L.O.N.E.R.S. are more than likely to be masculine. 

Nouns that end in the letters:
D.IÓN.Z.A are more than likely to be feminine. 

Definite Articles are el, la, los, las and they all mean "the" in English.


Práctica Place the correct definite article in the blank. 

1.        ____ maestro  4. ___ apartamento
2.        ____ escuela     5. ___ restaurante
3.        ____ abanico    6. ___ música

If you feel you need more explanation:

Flipgrid Quiz: El Alfabeto


Be sure to use the link that corresponds to your class block. Deadline is 11:59 9/8/2020 tonight. Have FUN!!!!!!!

1st Block your code/link is:

3rd Block your code/link is:

4th Block your code/link is: