Monday, April 27, 2020

Week of 4/27-5-1/2020

It's almost MAY, YAY!!!!! Well I hope you had a good weekend.  I know we are able to go to out a little bit more, but please, please, please continue to follow all safety guidelines.
This week we will work from pages. 96-98 with a focus on these goals
  • you will be introduced to present tense forms of regular -er and -ir verbs

I have included a video from Senor Jordan so that you can see how the regular -er and -ir verbs break down.  If you look at them closely, you will see that they follow the pattern we learned with the regular -ar verbs.

The difference is that instead of our chant:
-o, -as, -a
-amos, -an

you will now do it this way for regular -er verbs:
-o, -es, -e
-emos, -en

and for regular -ir verbs you will do:
-o, -es, -e
-imos, -en

Here is the link to the regular present tense -er video from Senor Jordan/Tontitofrito:

Here is the link to the regular present tense -er video from Senor Jordan/Tontitofrito:

You will have two assignments to complete on VHL Central this week.  Your assignments are due by Friday May 1st 11:59 pm.

NOTE: I have included an extra video to watch on VHL Central for anyone that would prefer a little refresher while working on your two (2) activities that are due this Friday night.

Click on the link just below to open.
VHL Central 

Take time to take your mind off our current situations and go into the world of Daniel and Natasha.  I am including the pages we will read this week so that you can read at your own pace.  

 Pace yourself but more than that...ENJOY YOUR READING!!!!!!

A suggested breakdown:

lunes pp. 245-249
martes pp. 250-254
miercoles pp 255-259 
jueves pp 260-264

Click on the link just below to open.


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