Wednesday, August 18, 2021

Open House and Course Syllabus

 HOLA!!!!!!!  I am Sra. Reed and this is our little comunidad, La Clase de Español.

Our Weekly procedures are as follows:

·      Monday and Tuesday, we present and allow practice in class whole group and independent.

·      Wednesday the students work together in centers practicing the skills form Monday and Tuesday.

·      Thursday is our review day for Friday’s quiz.

·      We do not really give homework daily. Whatever independent practice not done is in essence the homework. There are occasions in which we will give homework and if so, it will be through the online textbook VHL Central.

·      Holidays we do not give any assignments.

·      Weekends we try not to assign tasks.

·      There are projects and verbal exams during the semester.

   Included, is a copy of our Spanish I course syllabus.